Still Teleworking

If you are reading this, then it’s been 22 months since I first started teleworking. If you would have asked me in early 2020 if I would like to work from home, I would have said, “Sure, why not? Sounds nice. What, me worry?

After having worked from home for the majority of the last two years, here are some observations I’ve made about my own behavior.

Here’s what works:

  • A morning workout before checking email leads to a better day.
  • Get a hot shower after the workout, preferably before lunchtime.
  • Read a few pages of a nonfiction book.
  • Coffee…at least two cups before 0830.
  • Whey protein smoothie, about an hour after my workout. I like Jocko Gorilla Vanilla with some collagen and grass-fed milk.
  • Take a mid-afternoon walk around my neighborhood, preferably with my wife so we can discuss how well The Wheel of Time series matches the books. (Spoiler alert: it doesn’t).
  • Quit work by a reasonable hour, normally by 5pm.
  • Plan the next day in advance, with time-blocks and the big tasks you want to accomplish.
  • Go to bed by 10:30pm

So if you are still teleworking the majority of your work week, consider these three ideas to keep yourself sane:

  • Focus on projects, not email
  • Take breaks to get out of your chair
  • Do less, but do it better.






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